Cubesat Space Protocol – round 2

This is a continuation of my first steps with the CSP protocol. I recommend reading the content of the following entry first -> As a reminder, in the last post I described my first run of the CSP protocol. After installing all dependencies, I was able to build a sample application. After launching it, […]

Cubesat Space Protocol – first steps

Recently, I have been wondering about the communication protocols used in small satellites like CubeSats. After all, these satellites are made up of multiple modules that must communicate effectively with each other in order to successfully carry out their mission. Furthermore, the entire satellite must also establish a connection with the ground station in order […]

Why blog?

You might be asking why am I starting a blog? After all I have a YouTube channel where I could again publish some videos, right? Well, here is the problem. Recording, editing and publishing project videos on YouTube is super time consuming. Writing the script, planning and recording all the shots, recording voice over and […]