Why blog?

You might be asking why am I starting a blog? After all I have a YouTube channel where I could again publish some videos, right?

Well, here is the problem. Recording, editing and publishing project videos on YouTube is super time consuming. Writing the script, planning and recording all the shots, recording voice over and finally editing final video is just part of the creation process. There is also the project development part itself and it requires a lot of effort too. Development is also the part that I want to spent much more time on. Therefore I want to balance time efforts. Less time for content creation and more time for the fun part.

Of course I still want to share my knowledge. And this is also why I decided to start a blog. More time spent on development means more gained experience and knowledge resulting in more things to write about ☺️

But hey! What about my old project I was working on when recording YouTube videos?

As a reminder, last posted video on YouTube was about a Laser Turret project. It was a small device with a laser diode, 2 axis movement and user interface. I did the assembly and started software development, but then my plans have changed and I don’t need this device anymore, so the project is abandoned and closed.

I guess you know how this works… 😉

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